Thank you for your interest in the UNH TRIO Scholars (Student Support Services) Program. The TRIO Scholars (SSS) Program starts your first week on campus, and continues throughout your time at UNH. TRIO Scholars (SSS) participants work with a TRIO Academic Coach to create individualized success plans focusing on academic development, financial literacy, personal development, and professional development to help translate personal goals into action. The TRIO Scholars (SSS) program also includes educational workshops, cultural events, leadership development opportunities, and access to free ongoing comprehensive tutoring. If you are interested, please fill out the application below. If you have any questions, please contact TRIO Scholars First and Second Year Coordinator Kaley Lambert at For more information about the UNH TRIO Scholars Program, please visit our Instagram (@UNHTRIOScholars) or website: 

First Name *
Last Name *
Preferred name
Middle name or initial
Date of Birth *
Preferred pronouns
Please let us know your residency status. *
Cell Phone Number
UNH Email Address (ends in *
Personal email address
Are you transferring to UNH from a previous college or university? *
What is your current year in college? *
Will Fall 2024 be your first semester at UNH? *
Did a parent in your household graduate from a 4-year college or university? *
Do you intend to graduate from a 4-year program at UNH? *
Have you participated in any of the following programs?
Educational Talent Search (ETS)
Upward Bound (UB)
Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC)
Jobs for Maine Grads
Do you have a disability (this could include learning disabilities, physical disabilities, mental health disorders, etc.)?
If you have a disability, please let us know if you require accommodations for a disability or temporary condition. Any disability-related accommodation requests needs to be direct to Student Accessibility Services (SAS):
* Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) prohibits discrimination based on a disability by public entities, regardless of whether they receive federal financial assistance. Title II states: "No qualified individual with a disability shall, by reason of such disability, be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the services, programs, or activities of a public entity, or be subjected to discrimination by any such entity."

In TRIO Scholars the following topics are covered:

  • Academics
  • Major/minor exploration
  • Career/graduate school exploration
  • Financial literacy & scholarship search

We are asking the following questions to gauge how you may feel about each of those topics, to understand how/if TRIO Scholars may benefit you.  

We would like to know more about how you are feeling academically. Please let us know how confident you are in your skills/abilities on the following topics.

Time management and organizational skills
Study skills (reading, notetaking, test-taking, etc.)
Problem solving skills
Math skills
Reading and writing skills
Ability to handle college level coursework

Please let us know how you feel about navigating college/UNH.

I will be able to find resources and use them to solve problems or find about new opportunities.
I can balance academics, social life, and/or a part time job and recover from setbacks while at college

So we can get you connected with the appropriate resources, please let us know if English if your first language. 

Is English your first language?

We would like to know how you feel about major and career exploration. Please let us know how confident you are in the following areas.

I will be successful in my major
I know what I want to do after I graduate
I know that the major I am in now is right for me
I will be able to find out about other majors and minors

We would like to know how you are feeling financially about being at UNH. Please let us know how confident you are feeling about each of the following

I will be able to meet the cost of college / having enough money

Please let us know if you may be balancing any of the following responsibilities while at UNH: 

I will be a commuter student
I will need to work more than 10-15 hours/week to pay for college and/or personal expenses
I will be going home frequently and/or on weekends to work and/or help family
I expect to receive little or no financial support from family while in college
I may not have a home to return to during breaks throughout the academic year

Please let us know how you found out about TRIO Scholars. If a specific person referred you to TRIO Scholars, please let us know here.
If selected, we expect you to participate in the UNH TRIO Scholars Program throughout your entire time at UNH. This may include 1:1 meetings, attending workshops, participating in leadership development opportunities, and more. Do you agree to be an active member of TRIO Scholars? *

TRIO Scholars is funded by our TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) grant from the US Department of Education and by the University of New Hampshire. 


This release form enables TRIO Scholars (SSS) to obtain data from the UNH student information system, financial aid office, grade reports, and documentation of disability for the purposes of providing academic support services, reporting program statistics, and determining eligibility for additional federally-funded services. Information regarding your eligibility and the nature of your participation in TRIO Scholars may be shared with other University and/or US Department of Education personnel in accordance with federal regulations and University policy. You may request access to your records at the TRIO SSS office.

Do you agree to allow TRIO SSS to obtain and release information as specified above? *

Is there anything else you would like to share that was not in this application?
By typing your name here, you certify that everything within this application is true to the best of your knowledge. *
Signature Type: Simple    Start Over
Signature: (Type in your full name)
I agree to the terms included.